Why Pino with Logrotate is the Best for Managing Logs in Nodejs Apps
Nodejs Log files are very useful to troubleshoot, to track usage, improve performance, and monitor the overall health of the application. However, over time, they become large and use up valuable disk space.
Setup logging with Pino and express-http-context in Expressjs
Nodejs Logging is an essential tool for debugging and understanding the behavior of your application. It allows developers to capture information about the state and flow of an application, which can be used to identify and fix bugs, improve performance, and monitor the overall health of the application.
Understanding TTL Indexes in MongoDB comprehensively
Mongodb Time to Live (TTL) indexes are special single-field indexes in MongoDB that help delete documents from a collection after a specific amount of time or at a given clock time. Data expiration is useful for certain types of information like machine generated event data, shopping carts, logs, and session information etc that only need to persist in a database for a finite amount of time.
Enhance MongoDB Aggregation Experience with MongoDB Compass Queries
Mongodb MongoDB Compass, as of 2018, comes with an aggregation pipeline builder to help make prototyping and debugging easier. This feature allows developers to export their aggregations into different programming languages and use the code in their applications.
Deploy EC2 in Private Subnet & Securely Enable Internet Communication
Mongodb Critical infrastructure like databases, application servers etc must be deployed securely in AWS and deploying ec2 instances in private subnet is a must. Instances launched in a private subnet have only private ip address (No public IP) and hence these instances can never be reached from internet.